The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell


The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell (Book 1)

Written by: Chris Colfer

Published: July 2013

Genre: fantasy, fiction, fairytale

Age Group: 8 yrs+

Reading Level: Grade 3+

Page Count: 438 pg.

Book Series: 1 out of 6 books
POV (Point of View): 3rd Person

Content Warning: n/a

Notes: I'll probably end up saying this a lot but this is one of my favorite book series of all time! It is absolutely wonderful. It's another series where the author takes fables and fairytales and adds a twist. I have read this series at least three times and it is a fantastic read for kids of any age. I recently recommended it to my father and siblings, and they loved it. If you are not into reading books or you don't have the time to read the actual book I would recommend that you listen to the audiobook which is narrated by Chris Colfer himself!

Short Summary: When Alex and Conner Bailey receive their grandmother's fairy tale book they never expected to get literally sucked in. Now the only problem is how they're supposed to get out.

Summary: After the sudden death of Alex and Bailey's father, they are working on overcoming their grief and trying their best to get back to their normal routine. But when their grandmother gives them a fairy tale book for their birthday, the life of Alex and Conner Bailey takes a sudden twist. Unintentionally, they are sucked into a world where the stories of Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, and other beloved fairy tale characters are real. This world, dubbed The Land of Stories holds many adventures for Conner and Alex as they try to find their way back home by collecting all the pieces for the wishing spell. The only problem is that there's another person after those pieces, a very dangerous person. Will the twins (Alex and Conner) be able to get all the parts for the spell back in time so they can go home?

If you have any suggestions of books that I should read please let me know in the comments below!



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